Broadband and Digital Equity

The Office of Broadband and Digital Equity (BDE), a division of the Baltimore City Office of Information and Technology, leads the City's efforts to permanently close the digital divide and serves as Baltimore City government's primary liaison with internal and external stakeholders in digital equity.


We will eliminate the root cause of broadband inequality by building ubiquitous, open access fiber infrastructure that will enable transformational opportunities for all residents.


Baltimore’s plan will evolve and grow stronger with citywide participation and partnerships. We invite feedback from the public, the private sector, institutions, non-profits, and all other stakeholders in Baltimore.


  • Broadband access is a public good.
  • Digital equity is table stakes in a modern civil society.
  • Community engagement is key to enabling opportunities.

Core Functions

  • Public Infrastructure
  • Convening Stakeholders
  • Devices
  • Digital Skills Training
  • Community Engagement
  • Database
  • Digital Equity Grantmaking
  • Community Tech Support

The Four Pillars of BDE

Reliable High-Speed Internet: Starting with the most underserved communities, Baltimore City residents will have access to broadband based on future-proof fiber optic networks.

Digital Education: Baltimore City residents will have access to digital skills training because new broadband adopters need to know how to use computing devices to navigate the internet.

Technical Support: Baltimore City residents will have access to technical support, in multiple languages, to enable residents to make the best use of digital tools.

Technology and Devices: Baltimore City residents will be able to acquire a modern computing device because ownership is a barrier to broadband adoption.